Mexico Transgender Center FTM Body Masculinization


Mastectomy or masculinization of the torso is a procedure in which the breast tissues and mammary glands are removed.

Subcutaneous or periareolar mastectomy:

  • Small incisions following the bottom line of each nipple’s areolas
  • Resection of tissues, glands, and excess skin by these small incisions
  • Closure of the incisions

Double incision bilateral mastectomy with nipple grafts (with nipple areolar complex or NAC graft)

This technique will be recommended by the surgeon when the patient has excess tissue and mammary glands.

  • Incision along the line of each areola in order to completely remove the nipple
  • Sub-pectoral incision on each side of the torso
  • Removal of the skin between the nipple and the sub-pectoral incision and, at the same time, resection of tissues and mammary glands
  • Closure of the sub-pectoral incision
  • Attachment of the nipple to the natural location on the male torso

After Surgery

  • Specific care: you may have Jackson-Pratt drains installed during surgery and may leave the hospital with the drains. Your family doctor or nurse can take care of removing the drains a few days after your surgery, as directed by your surgeon.
  • Healing: During the 9 to 12 months following the surgical procedure, there is normally a natural skin retraction allowing for correction of any residual laxity.

Chest Implants

Male Chest Implants are soft, but solid silicone implants placed in between the pectoral muscles to add bulk, size, and definition to the chest region. Male Chest Implants are not the same as Female Breast Implants. The look different, are placed differently, and are made out of different materials. Male Chest implants cannot leak or deflate. Male Chest Implants make the chest look bigger and more developed. Male Chest Implants can be used to correct any existing muscle asymmetries or to help an underdeveloped chest.